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Manusia Listrik+Elektrokinesis

Selamat malam pembaca sekalian. Kali ini saya ingin bercerita tentang manusia listrik. Manusia yang seperti apakah itu? Manusia yang satu ini menarik kok,tapi kalau pembaca ingin belajar juga bagaimana cara mengalirkan listrik di tubuh, caranya  ada di posting kali ini. Karena sangat membahayakan, saya sarankan agar mencobanya dengan didampingi oleh ahlinya.Dan kalau terjadi apa-apa pasti saya yang disalahkan,tapi maaf ya...hehe. Langsung saja saya akan bercerita.

Di China, ada seorang kakek yang bisa mengalirkan arus listrik dari tubuhnya. Sebetulnya, semua manusia memiliki energi listrik di dalam tubuhnya, dan energi listrik tersebut bisa dikendalikan. Dan,kali ini kakek yang bernama Zhang Deke dari Xinjiang memiliki kemampuan menyembuhkan dengan energi listrik. Kalau si kakek sedang memegang lampu,maka lampu tersebut dapat menyala. Kakek yang hebat...

kakek zhang deke sedang mengalirkan listrik

Kakek menyalakan lampu 

Waw, saya menyalakan lampu

Kakek mendapatkan kemampuan mungkin dikarenakan dulu bekerja sebagai buruh pensiunan pekerja jalan tol distrik di Xinjiang. Dan,sekarang di umurnya yang mulai menginjak 70 tahunan, kakek aktif menggunakan kekuatan listriknya untuk metode penyembuhan. Metode ini sering disebut metode elektroteraphy. Jadi, kakek menyembuhkan penyakit seperti encok, rematik dan penyakit lainnya. Hebatnya lagi, kakek tidak meminta bayaran :), kakek yang sangat baik...

Listrik bertegangan 220 Volt yang ada di dalam tubuh kakek ini juga dapat digunakan untuk memanggang ikan dalam waktu 2 menit. Waw, apakah kakek mau memanggangkan makanan untuk saya? hehehe.

Sip,kalau penjelasannya singkat seperti ini, lebih baik saya membahas yang berhubungan dengan listrik lagi saja. Kali ini, untuk anda yang ingin belajar cara mengendalikan listrik, akan saya jelaskan caranya. Tetapi,lebih baik jangan dipraktekkan apabila tidak didampingi oleh ahlinya,hehe.

Ini cara yang saya dapat dari pyroar.tripod, sekali lagi, jangan dilakukan apabila tidak didampingi oleh ahlinya,hehe.

Learning Electrokinesis
Alright, first off, this takes a couple of weeks to get down, so don't get frustrated if you can't do it in the first couple of days. Alright now, to learn to control electrokinesis, start out but just closing your eyes, and visualizing electricity flowing inside and out of your body, like sparks of energy. See them shocking, actually hear them crackling and popping. Do this for like 10-15 minutes a day, and with enough practice, you will actually start to hear little popping noises of the electricity. And if you can project it out of your hands, you can try to shoot it at your TV or radio, and see if it makes the reception a little messed up, or you could try to shock someone. Do this for a while, then if you want, try to make an Electro-ball

Electrokinesis Tech 2
The easiest time to do it is when you're laying in bed before you go to sleep. Close your eyes and visualize the electricity running through the body part of choice. Try to do all these things one after another or mix them.  Visualize it running up say, your hand, in waves of electricity like the kind of waves old TV's get sometimes that go up the screen. Then after that, visualize it sparking and even arcing out of your finger tips and hands. Try to feel the sparks the best you can, sometimes your fingers will just go sort of numb and they will feel wierd if you try to move them. Then open your eyes and do the same thing for a while...eventually you should start seeing very faint pencil thin lines of electricity or round dot size sparks or both.
Electro Ball

This is basically a ki ball with electricity from electrokinesis added into it. To start, visualize the electricity flowing through your body. Then, make a normal ki ball, then picture the electricity bolts coming out of your hands and your fingertips, and merging with the ki ball, making little sparks and shocks around and inside the ki ball. Do this for about 5 minutes a day, along with just picturing the electricity flowing inside of you. Just keep practicing and with enough work, you'll start to actually hear little popping noises from the electricity, and when you get the electro-ball, you will be able to shock people with it. I think that's really the only fool-proof way to test this one. But be warned, don't use a lot of power with this technique on someone if you know that their power is less than yours and they won't be able to handle it, this technique can really injure someone when used with enough power.
Electro Blast

This technique was made up by my friend Joe. Okay, you need to know Electrokinesis first, and also how to perform a Bikku Bang blast. Now here's the First Part: First, make a Ball of Electricity. Then add some Ki into it. Just practice that for a few days or at least a week until you get good at it. Then after you get good at that, start to compact Electricity and Ki into your arm. After you feel that your arm is compacted with enough Electricity and Ki, blast it out of your hand. Now the object is to try and control the blast if you can. Remember to only use a little bit of Ki and Electricity if your opponent is too week to handle your level of power
Lightning Ball
To start out, just make a normal ki or mana ball and charge it up. Next, start visualizing lightning striking down all around you. Actually hear the crack and sizzle of the lightning bolts. Then, visualize all little lightning bolts striking around your hands and striking into your ki ball and causing electric shocks inside and outside it. It would make it even better if you know how to perform some electrokinesis. You will know by the feeling you get in your hands if you have made this correctly. When it's made, blast away.

Oh ya, kebenaran cara di atas masih saya ragukan karena saya sendiri belum pernah mencobanya,haha. Kalau ada komentar dan lain-lain boleh langsung chat atau komentar saja.

sumber: sudah saya sebutkan di atas

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010 di 19.19

3 Comments to "Manusia Listrik+Elektrokinesis"

Nice artikel bro..jd pingin belajar,tp takut ntar konsleting lg wkkwkwkwk

temen saya udah praktek, katanya nggak ngerasain apa2, saya juga jadi pengen praktek, hehe...

mending aerokinesis

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